Top 10 Planted Tanks 2017

Rated #1: 33 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #1: 33 Gallons Planted Tank - Planted tank with live barriers
Username: Dražen Jagodnik
Country: Croatia
Rank: #1 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Dražen Jagodnik on
Ratings: 7.17
Number of votes: 149
Fish Kept: Black Molly, Silver Molly, Red Fire Guppy, Betta - Male, Platy, Dwarf Otocinclus, Pario-Ancistrus Pleco (L-048), Siamese Algae Eater
Corals/Plants: Pogostemon erectusPogostemon helferi Hemiantus cuba
Tank Size: 33 gallons
Advice: Just be patient
Description: Planted tank with live barriers

Rated #2: 75 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #2: 75 Gallons Planted Tank - Planted 75
Username: Aaron Frick
Country: United States
Rank: #2 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Aaron Frick on
Ratings: 7.01
Number of votes: 155
Corals/Plants: Ludwigia, Java fern, dwarf hair grass, Anubis, ozelot and Amazon swords, cryptocryne. Rotalla, stagoryne repens, jungle Val, alteranthia renica, and a few others idk the name of..... Most from the little bags at petco and a few from an aquarium shop. With co2 and high lighting it really doesn't matter; if it looks cool I grab it, throw it in the tank and it grows.
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: I would just go "high tech" from the beginning because sooner or later you're going to want to, and it's honestly the same effort. Keep in mind "high tech" doesn't have to be expensive either. Everything including the tank itself is from Craigslist (besides one bulb and the canister filter). I use dirt underneath a commercial bag of Home Depot pea gravel and there is not a plant I have come across yet that does not flourish...... For fact a heavily planted aquarium needs co2, and a strong light source. you don't need halides, but for a cost of only $260 including a co2 tank off cl when you'll spend the same on a t5 fixture, why not. The Reds on my ludwigia and pink on my rotalla ensure me that I'll never switch to anything else.
Description: Planted 75

Rated #3: 53 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #3: 53 Gallons Planted Tank - 53gal
Username: Alex Forsythe
Country: United States
Rank: #3 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Alex Forsythe on
Ratings: 6.89
Number of votes: 139
Corals/Plants: Micanthemum Monte Carlo, marsilea hirsuta, hydrocotle tripartita, Anubias Nana petite, java moss, java fern, rotala rotundifolia, bucephilandra so, sagitaria subulata, starugyne repens
Tank Size: 53 gallons
Advice: Do research
Description: 53gal

Rated #4: 42 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #4: 42 Gallons Planted Tank - Blue Angels!
Username: Richard Vieira
Country: United States
Rank: #4 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Richard Vieira on
Ratings: 6.52
Number of votes: 130
Quote: Give a man fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him a life time. Give him religion and will die praying for fish.
Corals/Plants: Staurogyne Repens, Red Ludwigia, Green Rotala SP, Drawf Swords, Tiger Lotus and Green Cabomba.
Tank Size: 42 gallons
Advice: Spend the money.
Description: Blue Angels!

Rated #5: 90 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #5: 90 Gallons Planted Tank - planted 200ltr
Username: John
Country: New Zealand
Rank: #5 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: John on
Ratings: 6.46
Number of votes: 135
Fish Kept: Silver Zebra Angel
Corals/Plants: cryptocoryene
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Just do it
Description: planted 200ltr

Rated #6: 20 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #6: 20 Gallons Planted Tank - 20G tank 12 weeks after build.
Country: Canada
Rank: #6 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: RYAN PARENTEAU on
Ratings: 6.36
Number of votes: 138
Corals/Plants: Rotallas, Anubias, Java Moss, Java Fern, Sword Fern and some unknowns
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Advice: Fishless cycle with bacteria supplement and ammonia
Description: 20G tank 12 weeks after build.

Rated #7: 150 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #7: 150 Gallons Planted Tank - first aquascape. Dragon stone, weeping and flame moss. Planning on adding shrimp.
Username: traci huffman
Country: United States
Rank: #7 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: traci huffman on
Ratings: 6
Number of votes: 143
Corals/Plants: anibus, java fern, micro sword. Banana plant. java moss- 10G tank
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: Patients.
Description: first aquascape. Dragon stone, weeping and flame moss. Planning on adding shrimp.

Rated #8: 8 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #8: 8 Gallons Planted Tank - Fluval 7.9G shrimp tank
Username: CeCe
Country: United States
Rank: #8 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: CeCe on
Ratings: 5.96
Number of votes: 129
Fish Kept: Ember tetra, red cherry shrimp
Corals/Plants: Alternanthera reineckii roseafolia, ROTALA SP. 'NANJENSHAN', Rotala Rotundifolia Indicia, Micranthemum Tweedie sp. Monte carlo
Tank Size: 8 gallons
Advice: no
Description: Fluval 7.9G shrimp tank

Rated #9: 10 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #9: 10 Gallons Planted Tank - Tank after 6 months, Monte Carlo has taken well.
Username: Paul
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #9 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Paul on
Ratings: 5.9
Number of votes: 124
About Yourself: This is my first attempt at a planted tank, really enjoying watching it change and develop.
Fish Kept: Neon Tetra
Corals/Plants: Ludwigia, Microsorum, Monte Carlo, Rotala, Marimo moss ball
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Advice: Research and enjoy.
Description: Tank after 6 months, Monte Carlo has taken well.

Rated #10: 100 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #10: 100 Gallons Planted Tank - June 2017
Username: Steve
Country: Malta
Rank: #10 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Steve on
Ratings: 5.83
Number of votes: 126
Fish Kept: German Blue Ram, Red Minor Serpae Tetra, Cardinal Tetra
Corals/Plants: A mix from Ebay bunch.
Tank Size: 100 gallons
Advice: Co2 and dosing daily
Description: June 2017
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