Top 10 Corals & Inverts 2010

Rated #1: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp Stocking In 37 Gallons Tank

Rated #1: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp Stocking In 37 Gallons Tank - Closeup section of my tank
Username: Dennis
Country: United States
Rank: #1 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Dennis on
Ratings: 7.91
Number of votes: 11
Quote: don't sweat the petty stuff, just pet the sweaty stuff!
About Yourself: Managed a pet store in 80's, had 23 freshwater tanks, bred central american cichlids bred true chameleons and Phelsuma (Gieco Gecko LOL!)went into the AF and have kids now, so thought it was time to expose them to the wonderful hobby of fish keeping.
Fish Kept: 1-Banghaii Cardinal, 1-Firefish goby, 1-six-line wrasse, 1-yellow watchman goby, 1-painted clown goby, 1-green chromis, 1-pygmy hawk.
Corals/Plants: 2-Acans (1 red, 1 green) 2-Monti Cap (1 orange, 1 green) 1-Green Psammacora 1-Acro sp. 1-Duncan w/new head 1-Blasto wellsi w/3 new heads 1-Candy Cane 1-Robokaki Chalice 1-Alien Eye Chalice 1-Galaxia (it was on the bottom got bumped by the mag cleaner and all but bad not checking it's location after the bottom relocation) 1-Green Favia 1-kenyan tree softie 2-Neon Green Sinularia 1-Green Polyped Leather 12+ assorted colored Ricordea 4+ hairy mushrooms 2 Metallic green elephant ears 2-Red Rhodactis 5 or 6 Green Rhodactis Many different color Discsomas Many different color Zoanthids 2 species Pulsing Xenia Electric Green Colve polyps that have orange tips Daisy Cloves Micro blue cloves Orange Gorgonian (captive frag doing good so far) INVERTS~ 6-8 blue leg hermits 2-peppermint shrimp 1-Scarlet cleaner shrimp 1-growing brittle star ( came as a hitchhiker)
Tank Size: 37 gallons
Advice: RESEARCH_RESEARCH_RESEARCH! Go slow buy the best of all the equipment you can not skimp even if it delays setting up your dream tank, cause in the end you WILL pay for it anyways! Try to use cultured frags whenever possible, join a local reef club and get to know the folks at your LFS well and ask questions that you know the answer to and see the response to check the level of their knowledge.
Description: Closeup section of my tank

Rated #2: Corals Inverts - Ricordea Florida - Ricordea Mushroom, Gold/orange (caribbean) Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #2: Corals Inverts - Ricordea Florida - Ricordea Mushroom, Gold/orange (caribbean) Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - Ricordia
Username: Luis F Gonzalez
Country: Puerto Rico
Rank: #2 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Luis F Gonzalez on
Ratings: 7.36
Number of votes: 11
About Yourself: I have 4 aquariums- 125 reef, 55 planted freshwater, 12 Aquapod in my office, 3 gallon cube reef. 20 years + in the hobbie.
Fish Kept: Yellow tang Blue tang Tomato clown Six line wrasse Coral beauty angel Percula clowns-2 Pseudochromis Diadema
Corals/Plants: Frogspawn Hammer Colt Gorgonians Brains Leathers Zoanthids Clove Polyps Waving Xenia Green Star polyps Cabbage leather Kenya tree coral Blue mushrooms etc.
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: Patience and perseverance are the must important keys to success.
Description: Ricordia

Rated #3: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Bam Bam Orange Zoanthid Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Rated #3: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Bam Bam Orange Zoanthid Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank - Bam Bam orange Zoanthid
Username: Daniel
Country: United States
Rank: #3 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Daniel on
Ratings: 7.33
Number of votes: 12
Fish Kept: Neon tetra, Albino Cory, Otto, Rubberlip pleco, Bumble Bee pleco, German Blue Ram, Farlowella(stick cat), Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Smithii Mantis Shrimp, Fancy Goldfish, Peppered Cory, Green Chromis, Maroon Clown,
Corals/Plants: Rotala indica, rotala rotundifolia, some crypt, java fern, blyxa, singapore moss, lotus, ludwigia broad leaf, Mushroom, Ricordia, Tyree Green Toadstool, Euphillia, Favites, Zoanthid(armor of god, nuclear green, dragon eye, orchids, and more without names), Xenia, Kenya tree, dendrophilia, green acropora, tubs green birdsnest, starpolyps, lobophillia, acans, and probably a few more i forgot.
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Enjoy it!
Description: Bam Bam orange Zoanthid

Rated #4: Corals Inverts - Lysmata Amboinensis - Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #4: Corals Inverts - Lysmata Amboinensis - Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - cleaner shrimp on montipora undata
Username: Josee
Country: Canada
Rank: #4 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Josee on
Ratings: 7.23
Number of votes: 13
Fish Kept: 2 clownfish percula, 1 lieutenant tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 chromis, 2 spot tail globies, 4 green clown gobies, 1 lyretail anthias, 1 swallow tail angel, 1 mandarin, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 cardinal pajama, 1 cardinal bangail, 1 glass cardinal.
Corals/Plants: SPS and some LPS
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: read, ask questions and be patient!
Description: cleaner shrimp on montipora undata

Rated #5: Corals Inverts - Favites Spp. - Brain Coral, Favites Stocking In 28 Gallons Tank

Rated #5: Corals Inverts - Favites Spp. - Brain Coral, Favites Stocking In 28 Gallons Tank - grapes of wrath
Username: Robert
Country: United States
Rank: #5 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Robert on
Ratings: 7.18
Number of votes: 11
About Yourself: I have been keeping sw tanks for 9 years. I curently have 3 peaceful reef tanks and a 47g column scorpion fish reef tank, and 4 tanks for my clownfish breeding projects, 3 tanks for culturing rotifers,tigger pods,and grass shrimp
Fish Kept: helfrichi firefish, maine blizzard clowns(platinum variant), pair of warpaint gobies, cleaner shrimp peppermint shrimp fire shrimp grass shrimp
Corals/Plants: acans 3 kinds 19 colors, clove polyps, ausi platygyra, ausi favid's, ausi open brain, purple duncans,
Tank Size: 28 gallons
Advice: take your time and lots of reading is a must
Description: grapes of wrath

Rated #6: Corals Inverts - Euphyllia Paradivisa - Frogspawn Coral - Branched Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank

Rated #6: Corals Inverts - Euphyllia Paradivisa - Frogspawn Coral - Branched Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank - Frog Spawn
Username: Tim Ellis
Country: United States
Rank: #6 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Tim Ellis on
Ratings: 7.08
Number of votes: 12
Quote: Pain heals, chicks dig scars, and glory lives forever.
About Yourself: Started in freshwater 2 1/2 years ago and started in reef tanks 9 months ago.
Fish Kept: 2 True Percula Clown 1 Purple Fire Fish 1 Pychadelic Mandrin Goby 1 Kole Tang 1 Copperband Butterfly Fish 1 Red Orange Sea Star 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp 3 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Margarita Snails 4 Turbo Snails 7 Hermit Crabs
Corals/Plants: 1 Speckled Green Bubble Tip Anenome 1 Three Headed Green Tip Frogspawn 1 Rainbow Open Brain Coral 1 Plate Coral 1 Dendrphyllia 1 Neon Green Candy Cane Coral 1 Neon Green Clove Polyp Colony 1 Inside Out Zoanthid Colony 1 Sean's Pinky Zoanthid Colony 1 Eagle EyeZoanthid Colony 1 Blue Magician Zoanthid Colony 1 Green Star Polyp Colony 1 Red Monti Cap Assorted Mushrooms
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Advice: Research twice, buy once!
Description: Frog Spawn

Rated #7: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #7: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - Zoo's
Username: Faizan Ashraf
Country: Canada
Rank: #7 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Faizan Ashraf on
Ratings: 7
Number of votes: 11
Quote: "look mommy its nemo"
About Yourself: I like photography and I like reefs. I put two and two together which lead me to this...
Fish Kept: many
Corals/Plants: many
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: Don't cheap out
Description: Zoo's

Rated #8: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank

Rated #8: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank - Red and Green Trachophyllia
Username: Jeremy
Country: United States
Rank: #8 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Jeremy on
Ratings: 7
Number of votes: 12
About Yourself: I got into the hobby right out of college...Thought it would be fun to get a gold fish in a little 3 gallon aquarium and it just kind of exploded from there. I now have the nano reef, as well as two fresh water tanks and a couple of reptiles to go along with my cat. I work part time in the fish department of a local pet store and don't really consider it work. It's my hobby and I love seeing people get excited about fish and corals!
Fish Kept: Fish kept: Yellow Watchmen Goby paired with a Michael's Target Pistol Shrimp, Green Clown Goby, Purple Fire Fish, Tail Spot Blenny, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Pom Pom Crab, Pink Emerald Crab, 2 margarita snails, 3 astrea snails, 1 turbo snail (off and on...replace when he dies and need another), 5 hermit crabs, Pink with Green center Tube Anemone
Corals/Plants: Corals: Blastumossa Welsii, Blastumossa Merleti, Pavona Maldivensis, Orange Eye Chalice, Green Trachophylia/Wellsophyllia, Red and Green Trachophyllia, Candy Cane Calaustria (Trumpet), Blue Anthelia, Green Spongodes, Blue/Purple Mushrooms, Red Mushrooms, 2 or 3 different kinds of Zooanthids, Purple and Green Favia Brain, Metallic Green Star Polyps, Duncanopsammia (Duncan), Orange Carpet Lobophyllia, ....I think that's it
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Advice: My advice is to take it slow, don't over feed, do it right, invest some money in the set up, read a book or two, don't rely entirely on the internet for resources because there is a lot of incorrect info out there, and most importantly TAKE IT SLOW AND DON'T OVER FEED!
Description: Red and Green Trachophyllia

Rated #9: Corals Inverts - Entacmaea Quadricolor - Rose Bulb Anemone Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank

Rated #9: Corals Inverts - Entacmaea Quadricolor - Rose Bulb Anemone Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank - My baby Ocellaris clown in his baby rose bubble tip anemone!
Username: Johnny Ma
Country: United States
Rank: #9 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Johnny Ma on
Ratings: 6.82
Number of votes: 11
Quote: Do unto others as they do unto you...
About Yourself: Im not new to the hobby but I am new to having my very OWN reef tank managed but only yours truly. I have grown up around my parents who are both the crazy avid reefer (700 gallon reef!). That obviously rubbed off on me and when I parted from my parents to my big move here to California, I just HAD to have my own. I tried having a 12 gallon nano... Didnt last too long for many reasons. Lets just say that it was in a gym where lots of kids were present and it was OPEN top. lol bigggggg mistake. So I relocated my reef to my home and got the idea to upgrade to a larger system! Then POOF... Here comes the 50 gallon reef!
Fish Kept: 2 black Darwin Ocellaris clowns (Bonnie & Clyde) 2 Pajama Cardinals (Polka & Dot) 1 Banghai Cardinal (Bang-Guy) lol 1 Coral Beauty Angel (Coral) 1 Yellow Tang (Bubbles) 1 Blue Hippo Tang (Dory!) 1 Yellow Watchman Goby (Walter) 2 Domino Damsels (Ritalin & Strattera) 2 Striped Damsels (Adderall & Skitz) 1 Algae Blenny (Lenny) 1 Cleaner Shrimp (Jacque!) 1 Coral Bandit Shrimp (Pierre) So yes your probably wondering how I keep them all alive.... The trick is lots of hiding places and an excellent filtration system!
Corals/Plants: Inverts: 1 Sebae Anemone 1 Rose Anemone with Green Base Tons of snails and hermits. 3 Maxima Clams LPS: 1 Purple Eyed Green Favia Pagoda Cup Coral Metallic Green Gonipora Purple Frogspawn with Neon Green Tips (4 heads) Green Torch Coral (2 heads) Red Zoas Green Zoas Yellow Zoas Neon Yellow Zoas 2 Pulsing Xenias Aussie Duncan (1 head) Large Headed Dendro (1 large head, 2 small heads) Pink GSP Neon Green GSP Green GSP 1 Feather Duster SPS: 1 Neon Green Acro 1 Neon Pink Monti Cap 1 Orange Elkhorn 1 Pink Birdsnest 1 Fuzzy Green Birdsnest 1 Tri Color Staghorn 1 Stylopora 3 Green Staghorns (2 pieces I accidentally broke off)
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Advice: NEVER in your life rush to get everything you want. Just remember that you will regret it because its like throwing money away. I learned that the hard way. As hard as it sounds, just take your time and everything will be perfectly fine.
Description: My baby Ocellaris clown in his baby rose bubble tip anemone!

Rated #10: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 140 Gallons Tank

Rated #10: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 140 Gallons Tank - Midas Blenny and Brown Zoo's
Username: Kevin Reim
Country: United States
Rank: #10 out of 47 Corals & Inverts submitted 2010
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Kevin Reim on
Ratings: 6.45
Number of votes: 11
Quote: Once I thought I was wrong,but I was mistaken.
Fish Kept: Purple Tang Hippo Tang Fox Face- (now 10 years in captivity) Midas Blenny Bicolor Dwarf Angel Cleaner Shrimp Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp Misc Red & Blue Leg Hermit Crabs Red/White HardTube Worm Firefish - (Goby)
Corals/Plants: Torch Coral Green Gonipora (hard) Zenia (soft) Green Star Polyps (soft) Green Mushrooms (soft) Brown Zoo's Misc tubeworms Tree Coral (soft)
Tank Size: 140 gallons
Advice: Take your time and don't enter hobby if you cannot be patient. Research fish and corals for compatibility. Ask Questions. Devote a budget to maintain your investment. Enjoy your hobby. That's the point isn't it?
Description: Midas Blenny and Brown Zoo's
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