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This picture looks better than 36.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.41
This picture has been rated : 116 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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i have 15 tanks..so which 1 do i describe..?? well most of them are freshwater..1 brackish..few planted..few outdoor..few species..1 shoreline setup...
its a great hobby...but get all the info u can befor u get hooked..!!
Fish Kept:
this is gonna be one hell of a long list:
piranahs, pacus, discus, senegalis bichirs, arowanas, florida gar, flowerhorns, oscars, angels, silver dollars, bala sharks, iridecent sharks, many loach species, many tetra species , mollies swordtails, guppies, platys, eels, pencil fish, many danio species, cichilids, morphs, aurutus, jewels, firemouth, tilapia, algae eaters, plecos, raphaels catfish. synandontis, barbus species, goldies, kois, rainbows. many gourami species, many siamese fighter variants, kulli fish, corydoras, ramazezi, daniosi, asiaticus, halfbeaks, rainbows, black ghosts, puffers, scats, monos, red tailed sharks and many many many many more..!!!
plants: sagitaria, valisinaria, hydrila , lotus, bacopa, anubis, Echinodorus tenellus ,Hygrophila difformis , salvinia ,Echinodorus sp. , amazon swords..cobumba, hyacinth, and lots more whose name i dont know..!!!
Tank Size:
50 gallons
it aint bragging if u can back it up..!!
About Yourself:
20 years old...student doing bachelors in biotechnology...crazy about nature, all kinds of pets., wildlife conservation etc.. been keeping fish ever since i can remember...my best hobby...also love cricket, football, any sports, bikes & music..!!