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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
I have 2 tanks- 1 - 46 gallon bowfront and a 20 gallon. The 46 gallon was given to me from my father. He did not have the time to spend maintaining it anymore, but had it for several years. When we went out to dinner one evening, I had mentioned that me and my boyfriend were looking to get a good sized tank and so he mentioned his. The 20 gallon was an old tank I had in storage and I had planned to only set it up temporarily, while setting up the larger one and to keep the fish in it that had come with the tank.
I am kinda new to this again. I had a fish tank for several years, when I was in my teens and am now just getting back into it. So I do not have much advice for now as I am learning all over again.
Fish Kept:
All that is listed is a combination from both tanks:
1 bushnose pleco
2 sm pleco
2 clown loaches
2 red tailed sharks
1 flame gourami
1 powder blue gourami
1 platinum gourami
1 gold gourami
1 paradise
2 male bettas
2 female bettas
4 cory cats
2 red eye tetras
2 unknown tetras
1 swordtail
5 platys
6 neon tetras
3 zebra danios
3 long fin leopard danios
1 tiger barb
2 albino tiger barbs
2 black ruby barbs
all plastic
Tank Size:
46 gallons
too many to list