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This picture looks better than 74.59% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.63
This picture has been rated : 293 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
United Kingdom
Rio 300 , 48"L x 25"H x 20"W
juwel internal and eheim 2213
4 light tubes @ 38w
3 hagen CO2 units.
Community tank with rainbows, cherry barbs, loaches, ottocinclus,ancistrus, corys,shrimps, black neons and cardinals.
Buy as big a tank as you can afford you won't regret it!
Fish Kept:
As above!
Various plants including, dwarf sag, micro sag, crypts, vallis, amazon swords, java moss, nymphea stellata and a few others.
Tank Size:
60 gallons