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This picture looks better than 82.28% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.79
This picture has been rated : 90 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
United States
55 gallon Tanganyika community tank.
46 gallon multifasciatus tank.
37 gallon Tropheus Moorii and Eretmodus tank.
20 gallon long Guppy tank
150 gallon community tank.
47 gallon Spotted puffer tank.
29 gallon Geophagus Steindachnari tank.
2 gallon Betta tanks =2
internet. and get to know the people at a local fish store or 2 or 3. i listen to the bailey brothers podcast which i enjoy very much and get lots of good info. look for a local fish club to join.
Fish Kept:
55 gallon
1cyphotalapia frontosa
1 Synodontis nigrita
1 neolamprolougus leluipi
1 altolamprolougus compressicep
1 julidochromis transcriptus
7 cyprichromis leptosoma
1 Neolamprologus Brichardi
46 gallon
lots of Multifasciatus
37 gallon
Tropheus Moorii Chimba red
1 Eretmodus Cynasticus
150 gallon
to many to mention
20 gallon long
multiple guppies
and 3 cory cats
47 gallon
1 spotted puffer
29 gallon
3 geophagus steindachnari
6 tiger barbs
many different types of plants
lots of rock work
cichlid stones(these are great)
Tank Size:
46 gallons
About Yourself:
i have been in the hobby for a 7 years now. my interest has greatly increased since i quit drinking(more interest in life in general) i now have 9 tanks up and running. i am a christian, a father of three and try to be a great husband to my beautiful wife. i am a dental technician in grand rapids MI. i have three dogs five cats and a whole lot of fish tanks. my wife is a veterinary tech. we both have a lot of love for our animals. things can get a bit crazy in our house but i would not change it one bit. well maybe one dog could go. anyone looking for a pug? what a stubborn breed. i love my family fish tanks frank ( my beabull) my other dogs and my cats. i am also heavily tattooed