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The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
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United States
90 gallon All Glass Aquarium, 135 lbs of Live Rock, 48x18x24, 696 Watt- 48" Aqualight Pro 250W HQI 2X96W Compact Fluorescent Actinics 2X250W HQI Metal Halide 4 Blue Moon LEDs, Pacific Coast Imports- GenX CL-600 Aquarium Chiller 1/4HP, Mag Drive 9.5 pump-950 gph, Coralife Super Skimmer Protein Skimmer with Pump for tanks up to 125 gallons, Current USA- 25w Gamma U.V. Sterilizer, Megaflow Sump Filter-Model 3, Coralife 36 Watt Refugium Light, 2x230 gph Maxi-Jet Powerhead Pump, 300 Watt All Glass Heater, Automatic Light Timers, Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer
Read Read Read. The learning curve is significant. Every book has something different to add to your knowledge base. Must Haves: Natural Reef Aquariums: Simplified Approaches to Creating Living Saltwater Microcosms by John H. Tullock, Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook (A Complete Pet Owner's Manual) by Dr. Robert J. Goldstein, The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta, Edward Kadunc, Scott W. Michael, John Goodman, Reef Notes 1988/1990, 1991/1992, 1993/1994, Corals: A Quick Reference Guide (Oceanographic Series) by Julian Sprung
Fish Kept:
6xOcellaris Clown Fish, 1xYellow Tail Damsel, 1xBlue Green Reef Chromis, 1x3-Stripe Damselfish, 1xYellow Hawaiin Tang,1xCoral Angel Beauty, 1xFirefish Goby, 1xBlue-Stripe Damselfish, 1xLemon Peel Angelfish,3xbrown striped damselfish, Emerald Crabs, Sally Lightfoot Crabs, Arrow Crabs, Numerous Assorted hermit crabs and snails, Sand Sifting Sea Star, Long Spined Sea Urchin, Short Spined Sea Urchin, Long Tenacle Anemone, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, Lettuce Sea Slugs
Pagona Coral, Lots of Assorted Button and Colonial Polyps, Flower Pot Coral, Star Polyps, Oxypora, Tongue Coral, Disc Coral, Closed Brain Coral, Pineapple Coral, Various Assorted Mushrooms, Chilli Coral, Worm Rock, Spaghetti Coral, Puple Sea Blade, Black Sea Rod, Organge Ball Sponge, Red Tree Sponge, Engrusting Gorgonia, Assorted Candy Corals, Kenya Tree Coral, Pagoda Cup Coral, Blue Ridge Coral, Lettuce Coral, Assorted Bubble Coral, Frogspawn, Clam, Assorted Brain Corals, Various Montiporas, Devil's Hands Leathers
Tank Size:
90 gallons
"We are all attendants at a masked ball, hiding our true character. And by hiding, we reveal it."