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This picture looks better than 21.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.25
This picture has been rated : 365 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.04
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I have 1 38 gallon brackish tank, 2 48" grow lights, 1 50 gallon aqua clear filter and one wal-mart special 50 gallon filter. I'm presently looking for a canister filter as i have a lot of fish in there. Some real plants some fake and various decorations.
Get a very good filter.
Fish Kept:
-4 Black skirt tetra's
-3 Neon's
-3 Bumble bee goby's
-1 striped goby
-2 angelfish (1 pure white & 1 black striped)
- 2 Golden barbs
-1 Powder Blue grammi
-1 Gold sword tail
-1 Red iranian
-1 Puffer fish
-1 blue danio
-1 spotted pleco
2 live plants
Tank Size:
38 gallons
Who do i trust? ME that's who