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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.75
This picture has been rated : 8 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
South Africa
100l at 91x30x35 with 20l overhead sump. Zedlight Lancia2 strip, Jebao OW 25 wavemaker and nano skimmer. Tank has been running for 3 months and cycled for one.
Not sure cos I am a new hobbyist but I guess Research!!!
Fish Kept:
Bangaii Cardinal, Cleaner Wrasse, Maroon Clownfish, Yellow cheek goby, Green chromis, Cleaner shrimp, Fire shrimp, Turbo snail, Fan worm, Hermit crabs
Hammer, torch, elegance, toadstool, Kenya tree, zoanthids, mushrooms, Xenia, peacock chalice,green star polyps, brain coral and rose tip bubble anemone
Tank Size:
27 gallons
About Yourself:
Had a marine tank (500l) around 15 years ago and recently started up again.