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This picture looks better than 63.13% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.24
This picture has been rated : 165 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
More Info
United Kingdom
20inch x 18 x 24,
4 aquagrow LEDs, (suspended),
Proflora CO2 kit,
Aquamanta EFX 400,
Aqua clear surface powerhead,
Aquabasis/manado substrate,
Under-gravel heater,
Flow deflectors (why not),
Pro-silent air pump,
.Get a bigger filter.
Fish Kept:
30+ ember tetra,
6 emperor tetra,
6 otto,
6 pygmy cory,
6 endler guppy (better than what your picturing),
1 red whiptail,
3 dwarf chainloach,
Amano shrimp,
Cherry shrimp
An anubius nana,
Java moss on a large piece of wood (shrimp nursery)
Tank Size:
40 gallons