Photo #1 - Started As A African Rift Lake Tank But Due To A ...

55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Started as a African rift lake tank but due to a major mistake on my part I lost 4 out of five fish. I decided to make it a tank housing a Gold Saum which was a fish I've always wanted to try out and couldn't be happier. He loves the rocks too much so I decided to leave them in there. I have to decide on a piece of drift wood for my L-203, just havent found a piece that I like yet
Submitted By: Evan on
Photo Caption: Started as a African rift lake tank but due to a major mistake on my part I lost 4 out of five fish. I decided to make it a tank housing a Gold Saum which was a fish I've always wanted to try out and couldn't be happier. He loves the rocks too much so I decided to leave them in there. I have to decide on a piece of drift wood for my L-203, just havent found a piece that I like yet
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Started as a African rift lake tank but due to a major mistake on my part I lost 4 out of five fish. I decided to make it a tank housing a Gold Saum which was a fish I've always wanted to try out and couldn't be happier. He loves the rocks too much so I decided to leave them in there. I have to decide on a piece of drift wood for my L-203, just havent found a piece that I like yet

Rank Info

Ranked #1536 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: Michigan
Country: United States
Description: 55Gal- One 3.5'' Gold Saum One 2.5'' Firemouth One 5'' L203 AquaClear 110 Emperor 400 MaxiJet 1200 Finnex 200watt titainum heater ZooMed 48'' Reef-Sun 5050 strip
Advice: Follow advice from people who have been there and done that. Don't be affraid to ask questions.
Fish Kept: Pygo piranha species, serra piranha species, African cichlids (Malawi), Central and south american cichlid species. Varioous pleco species
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: "I got lost on my way to college, Sir!"
About Yourself: I have just recently gotten out of the Army and am working for MSU where my wife attends school. I have a beautful 2 year old daughter who loves to sit on the couch and stare with her dad at the fish tank. I started keeping fish aquariums 15 years ago with my first tank being a 10 gallon tank with 10 baby red belly piranha (advice being from a store clerk). After a few weeks, and only having 2 RBP's left...instead of giving up, I figured out what I did wrong and made corrections. I've been hooked ever scense.


nice tank like the rock work. fish avatar
this tank reminds me of the word PEACE. how tranquil this is, great job! fish avatar


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