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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Typical 55 gallon setup. I run two filters, one 30-60 Whisper and one 60 Aquatech. I know many people use and swear by bio-wheels but I've never had good luck with them and have been using 3 stage power filters of various types for many years now. My lighting is typical and nothing extrordinary. This tank is very new after recently moving across the country. The water was a challenge in our new home, but have finally got a handle on it.
Research and read. It's hard to not get impatient when setting up a new tank because it's exciting to buy and introduce new fish. But the "fun" will soon end if you begin dealing with murky, messy water and dead fish by not knowing and understanding cycling. It also NEVER ceases to amaze me how little most pet store employees know about fish. Especially the big box stores. I've heard some of the worst advice being given to people who are trying to get started and I always feel badly for them. Rely on your own research and/or friends in the hobby and research not only tanks, filters, water, etc but also the fish you want to keep! And beware of the "Noah syndrome" by buying two of every fish. Schools of species are much more interesting and fun to watch.
Fish Kept:
A simple community tank right now while my tank matures. Will add a school of congo tetras as my showcase fish once I have a few more months of aging on this tank.
All artificial!
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"The seamonkeys took my money!!"
About Yourself:
I've always loved keeping fish. I find the tank maintenence great therapy in the rush of everyday life and love to sit and watch my fish with a glass of wine! They're very relaxing and rewarding!