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This picture looks better than 16.48% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.26
This picture has been rated : 42 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
30 gallon saltwater 10 pounds fiji live rock ,crushed coral sand substrate ,my first saltwater aquarium
i am running 2 lights one marine glo attinic blue , one life glo 10,000k , a whisper 5 - 15 power filter , penguin bio wheel 100 , aquatech 20-40 and a 150 watt heater, zoo med 160 gph powerhead rotating
equalize the size of your fish and have patience change water bi-weekly 20%... plan before you buy
Fish Kept:
blue devil damsel , yellow tail blue damsel , clarki clown fish , 3 stripe damsel , green chromie , green brittle starfish , coral banded shrimp , lawnmower blenny , purple long spined sea urchin , 9 blue legged hermit crabs , two turbo grazer snails, the domino damsel in the really bad picture of the tank was returned to the LFS for bad behavior
10 pounds fiji live rock , crushed coral sand substrate
Tank Size:
30 gallons
enjoy yourself, be patient and study your fish's behavior
About Yourself:
my father had saltwater tanks growing up .. this is my first saltwater setup