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Ranked #1670 out of 5258 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.38

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State: California
Country: United States
Description: Light: 4x 65 watt compact flourescents with 2 white bulbs and 2 blue + purple bulbs. I don't have much information about the mixed bulbs but the purple produces no light. The blue does most of the work. -- Filtration: 2x Marineland Penguin 350B filters (rec. 75 gal) adding up to 150 gallons worth of filtration. I add 2 Whisper 60 filter cartridges PACKED with activated carbon to neatralize the stain from the wood. -- Medium: 1/4" gravel for easy gravel vac.'ing (mixed natural colors) -- Water changes: As often as I can. The longest they go without new water is 2 weeks. Sometimes I do water changes every day.
Advice: ACTUALLY LISTEN TO PEOPLE'S ADVICE WHEN THEY TELL YOU TO BE PATIENT AND RESEARCH FIRST. Also, I'd like to add, be very critical of fish. Don't think just because you like neon tetras that it's all you want. You'll see cardinal tetras and regret it... Also don't think about buying a few of everything you like because you'll wind up buying way too many different fish and that looks pretty unnatural. Natural looks beautiful.
Fish Kept: Currently in my 55 gallon tank I only keep Angelfish, 2 freshwater pea puffers, candy tetras, a survivor guppy, a mother molly with a bunch of her baby mollies, a yo yo loach, a dojo loach, a freshwater flounder, a gold inca snail, a small trinidad pleco (relatively small), and a rubbernose pleco. I also have a fiddler crab that is incredibly wise and never climbs out of the tank but comes up to her styrafoam dock to max n relax...
Corals/Plants: Decoration: Nice big peice of wood, Rocks from my backyard with patches of java-moss, live plants. Only non-natural decoration in tank is a styrafoam crab dock and a vase that holds a huge japanese mossball. Plants: Amazon sword, anachris, dwarf onions, japanese moss ball, bamboo.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: "There are several things wrong with your tank. First, it is completely unsuited for a fiddler crab. They need brackish water and more access to land than just a sad piece of styrofoam Second, the puffers are aggressive and should be in a puffer-only tank
About Yourself: I'm trying to get a job right now. I used to be a teller for a bank. Now I'm looking for office work and customer service. I've been interested in aquatics for only a year or 2 but I've gotten into it very quickly. I've always been into botany so my current project tank is a 55G planted tank. I also have 10G planted tanks on both sides of my 55G. One is a "cleaning tank" which I throw algae-covered plants in for goldfish/snails to clean and the other is a nice community tank (overstocked and overfiltered)


There are several things wrong with your tank. First, it is completely unsuited for a fiddler crab. They need brackish water and more access to land than just a sad piece of styrofoam Second, the puffers are aggressive and should be in a puffer-only tank Third, yoyo loaches are kept in minimum of 3 Forth, the minimum required tank for plecos is, generally accepted to be 75 gallons, not 55 Fifth, it is a bad idea to completely submerge bamboo plants. If you submerge their leaves, the plant will start rotting from inside out and will pollute your water before you know it Sixth, what fertilizers are you dosing your tank with? If this is a fresh set-up, the plants won't stay that healthy for long. fish avatar
I like the community setup for your tank. fish avatar
I like angles also. i have 2 right now in my 55. you have a Awesome tank. †RIP† El Patron! fish avatar


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