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This picture looks better than 73.12% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.51
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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the 80 gallon fish tank contsins a handmade (carved sandstone) landscape with several buildings. A “glowing in the dark†painted background, which simulates volcanic eruptions and some deep sea “black smokerâ€
….this gives an exciting ambient in the night
A the transparent submarine, which contains a Beta Splendens (as Capt. Nemo). the submarine will be navigating through
the fish-tank in sequential order, driven by the intelligent engineered water flow system.
the tank is filtrated by 2x 10 gallon 50 Watt pumps
build sceneries for the actors (fishes)
Fish Kept:
Danio's, Sumatra Barbs, glas-shrimp, zucchini catfish, gurami and red crayfishs
several grasses - plastic and natural
Tank Size:
80 gallons
About Yourself:
one of the oldest hardcore aquaria freaks,
and the first concept-theme fish tank builder in