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United States
4 foot long 55 gallon tank filtered with a magnum 350 pro and hang on tank filter with bio wheel. This is the Oscar's tank. He has a Convict, Red Tail Shark, and a Keyhole Cichlid that keep him company. There is also a large common Pleco and 5 inch Striped Rafael for cleanup.
Get a dog...they're easier to clean up after
Fish Kept:
Oscar, Convict, Red Tail shark, Keyhole Cichlid, Pleco, Striped Rafael.
African Tank: Various African Cichlids, Rubber lipped pleco, bristle nose pleco
Wife's Tank: Blue Gourami, 2 other generic fish, and a rubber lipped pleco
Plants are fake because the oscar can't kill them that way.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
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