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This picture looks better than 56.41% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.54
This picture has been rated : 41 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.63
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New York
United States
20XH reef ( 20L X 10W X 24 H ) with 10g sump, Rio2500 pump returned with S.C.W.D., Rio2100 connected to P.M. 200gal. Venturi Skimmer, 4" Aussie Sand, mixed with black Hawaii sand. 25lbs.Fiji Live Rock(coraline), Aquatek Dual Fans on the rim of the tank to blow the heat away from the 175watt HQI DE Odyssea Halide with upgraded Delta Duo Fans, 8" above the aquarium, 20k bulb, 1-18w Actinic, 2 LED moon lights, Tank(20L x 24H x 10W).
2gal water changes weekly with Distilled water, and top off with Distilled water with ph buffer weekly to keep the ph @ 8.2. Temp. stays @ 77-79 with the fans. 1/2 gal. top off daily, wipe the inside daily with the magnet flo. Tank has 1 BiColor Psuedo. 8 blue legs hermits, 1 red hermit, 1 trochus snail(excellent on the rocks and careful), 5 Astrea snails, 10 different zoos, 10 different LPS, 6 Softies, Blastomussa(Rainbow), Rare Purple Zoos(Puerto Rico), 2 SPS corals, Over 40 different corals in all....Actinic on at 10:30an, Halides on at 11:15am, Halide off at 10:00pm, Moon lights on at 10:30pm, Actinics off at 11:00pm. Moon lights off at 2:00am. Aquatek fans come on at 11:00am with Metal Halides, and off with Metal Halides. Fish is feed once in a while since there are hundreds of pods in the aquarium to eat daily. Check all my water parameters, and only dose calcium(pellets) every other day 1/8 teaspoon. This tank is 2.5 years old. All these corals were doom to death in various pet stores here, and I love to purchase them with respect to their lives, and give them their chances to LIFE. Even if they are receeding, dying, one polyp wihcih no one notices, bleached corals, pieces missing, whatever the case, I will puchase them, and with respect to them and admiration, I will try all my heart and best to find them a home in my little world of LIFE...THANK YOU, THE MOST HIGH, FOR ALLOWING ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO CARE FOR YOUR CREATION..
Do research, visit some people with reef aquariums, internet informaition, pics, emails to different hobbyist, videos on setups, read, ask questions if not sure, plan for the future(expansion of your corals and livestock) purchase what your tank needs, and don't try to cut corners especially with live stock and equipment like lights, skimmers, etc. Don't add what you don't test for, and do it from the heart, and not to impress. Respect the livestock and the livestock will reward you with their beauties. Careful water changes, and don't get too technical trying to make your tank automatic, otherwise you will rely on the equipment and never develope a relationship with your aquarium, and you won't notice when something is not right if you leave it up to the equipment. Pay attention, be patient, and respect LIFE!!!!!
Thanks to all who look and those who voted on this tank. Hopefully, anyone with an aquarium can be inspired by these beautiful life forms. As you can see, it is possible to maintain for prolong periods and counting. Please understand that in no way am I stating with my experiences with this aquarium that this is the only way or the best way. This is one way. Big or small, it will still require the disipline and careful planning, and initial expenses. All these tanks in this site have their beauty, and the people who have summitted their aquariums on this site, have their beauty in their hearts. Thanks the site owners for allowing us the priviledge to show and share our hearts on this wonderful site.
Fish Kept:
Tank Size:
20 gallons
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.