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This picture looks better than 60.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.17
This picture has been rated : 23 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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South Carolina
United States
75 gallon mixed African Cichlid. A mix of pool filter sand and Black Diamond blasting sand for substrate; Large river rock; 48" Seapora multi color LED light; Fluval 100w Titanium Heater and a Fluval FX4 filter.
I am pretty new myself but patience and research are very helpful.
Fish Kept:
Venustus Cichlid, Red Devil, Nyererei Hap, Acei Cichlid, Electric Blue Johanni Cichlid, Aulonocara Peacock Cichlids
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I got into the hobby through a friend at work about 5 years ago, but got overwhelmed and got out of the hobby fairly quickly. I recently got back into it (02/2022) and currently have 6 running tanks. (1) 75gal (Cichlids); (1) 55gal (Planted Community); (1) 40gal breeder (grow out); (1) 20gal (Glofish); (1) 20gal (Neocaridina Shrimp) and (1) 6gal (Betta)