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United States
60 gal. Bowfront by Oyssea. Overhead drip filter, 36 watt UV-filter, 18inch flourescent Daylight and/or occassional Blacklight for effect. Second level has a catch ring for the air bubbler, which glows a full circle with the blacklight burning-(very cool effect), and has air exaust holes which let the bubbles release in random patterns.
Let your tank cycle thoroughly before adding fish. Don't be afraid to try multiple species, just be sure to provide adequate territories for all animals. Enjoy your tank and don't become lazy with the care. Don't be afraid to spend the extra money to buy top food. Your fish will be happier and thrive. Give your fish the ability to create they're own environment while keeping it simple for you to maintain. Remember if they keep changing what you set up,- oblige them. After all- it is their tank.
Fish Kept:
Two perfectly identical albino Oscars, 4 misc. African Chiclids, 1 Red Jeweled Chiclid, 1 Peacock Chiclid, 1 Texas Chiclid, 1 (very, very rare), Silver African Chiclid, 1 Snowflake Morey eel, 1 Sapphire Blue Lobster, 3 misc. crabs, 2 dozen (if they're not eaten yet), ghost shrimp.
Hawaiian- Cactus Coral, Brain Coral, and Spiked Coral. Barnacle Coral. African Reef Rock. Natural preserved Tree Root. Misc. ivy and fern plants. (The rocks create incredible natural caverns and dens which the fish and shellfish manipulate to their own needs.)
Tank Size:
60 gallons
About Yourself:
Recently got back into fish tanks after a childhood of breeding prize winning Betas. (My brother was the real master at this). I build high-end Muscle Cars, Hot Rods and Customs. The care I take with the cars I build has flowed over into my tank, leading me towards making the most beautiful tank I can while trying to provide the most pleasant and natural setting for the fish.