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United States
90 gallon 48x25x18 / 300 WATT All-Glass Aquarium submersible heater / upgrated from cascade power 300 to Penn-Plax Cascade canister filter 1000 / Has 2 small bubble stones and a long bubble strip under sand with Aqua Culture pump. Started this tank in November of 2005 when I was pregnant with my daughter to keep me busy. First it was just the two common goldfish and has grown from there. Still really new and learning from my mistakes. Like I said, tank isn't that old and there are more fish to come as I learn., also has lava rocks, driftwood, 150 pounds of sand, and 80 pounds of rock that came from our creek. And the background is wallpaper mosaic of water.
Fish Kept:
About 35 zebra danios, 2 gold danios, 3 leopard danios, 1 peppered cory cat, 1 dojo loach, 1 yoyo loach, 1 clown loach, 1 striata botia loach, 3 guppies, 4 glowlight tetras, 4 neon tetras, 1 twintail betta, 1 mystery snail, 5 small snails, 1 pleco, 1 pictus catfish, 2 molly, 1 zig zag yellow tail eel, 1 peacock eel, 1 fire eel, 1 blue long fin ram, 1 gold ram, 3 dwarf frogs, a dwarf puffer, a red claw crab, 2 flower shrimp, a bunch of ghost shrimp ( food for eels) and a 9" iridescent shark that we rescued from a friends 35 gallon.
australian coral gravel, a assortment of artificial plants. Had live plants, but didn't like them as much and the fish kept eating them.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
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