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The Average Score for this category is: 5.42
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United States
55 Gallon 'walmart' kit, light hoods modified to use reflectors, bulbs, and ballast to give 110w of light. After a serious battle with algae the folks set me straight. A 72 hour blackout killed off the algae and proper dosing of Excel and Comprehensive since then has kept the algae gone!
Look before you leap. We started off with two goldfish in a gallon tank, ended up here, learning on the fly is NOT the way to get into fish!
Fish Kept:
9x Neon Tetras,
3x Glofish,
3x Zebra Danios,
8x Fancy Guppies,
2x Otto Cats,
2x SAEs
?x Cherry Shrimp
Italian Val, Red Wendtti, Chain Sword, Watersprite, Moss Balls, Dwarf Hairgrass
Tank Size:
55 gallons