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This picture looks better than 52.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 101 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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North Carolina
United States
This is one of many tanks i have had throught my life. I have 3 undergravel power filters and 2 Wisper 60 filters on the back of the tank.
Take your time. Stock your tank slowly, while reading about all the fish you might want so you get what will make you happy. Each type of fish has their unique way of behaving, enjoy learning that and taylor the tank to it.
Fish Kept:
I have 7 Rummy Nose Tetras, 1 Albino Corie Catfish, 1 Chocolate Catfish(5"), and 5 Clown Loach.(2-5")
Al Plastic and silk.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Music is strong and guides and cleanses and is life itself.