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This picture looks better than 6.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.22
This picture has been rated : 110 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
There is a uv light for plants, eclipse filter, and medium subtrate. dimensions are 24" long x 12" deep x 16" tall.
be paitent. start slow. get the biggest tank you can. because you will always want to add fish and plants to it. keep up on overall maintenance(water changes,vaccuming, nutrients) research comatible tank buddys first. dont over crowd.
Fish Kept:
3 bumblebee goby, 3 scissortail rasporas, 4 fancy guppys, 3 dwarf puffers, 2 otos, 2 red minnows, 2 ghost shrimp, 2 zebra danios(one longfinned), 1 dwarf frog, and 38 guppy fry 3 wks old.
We have 12 different plant species, sorry names arent listed. granite rock (collected locally) and lots of love...
Tank Size:
20 gallons
bring love to life and life to love
About Yourself:
I started with a rescued jack dempsy cichlid who cannot have tank buddy (except a small pleco) then my wife and I started our first community tank and Love it!!