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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
This is a 92 gallon corner tank. 2 24" bulbs, daylight & blue. Filterd by Rena XP3 & XP2. Heated with Stealth 250w & 200w. About 100 lbs of texas holey rock.
two things: 1st, don't clean your filters to much. Let them do their job, but do weekly water changes. I clean filters about once a month with tank water. 2nd, Over filter your tank if possible.
Fish Kept:
Malawi Cichlids: Yellow Lab, Lemon Jake Peacock, Red Eurika Peacock & OB Peacock
Red Dragon Peacock, Williamsi Blue Lips, Sunshine Peacock, tanganyikan cichlid: Yellow Calvis
about 12 Red Odessa Barbs(They calmn the cichlids)
2-Synodontis Multipunctatus cats
Tank Size:
92 gallons
About Yourself:
I got a 3 gallon tank for my sons birthday. I ended up getting about 3 more tanks within a year untill I settled on this one. This tank has been running for about a year now.