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This picture looks better than 70.29% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.43
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
250 liter tank. 100cm x 45cm x 60cm (h).
3x 30 watt fluoroscent lights - Sylvania grolux.
300 watt heater.
Tetratec ex 1200 filter.
Lava sand substrate.
No CO2
No air stone
Weekly 20% water changes
1. Research comes first.
2. Would you like to live in your tank? Does that feel good? If not, probably your fish do not feel good, either.
Fish Kept:
Livenbearers (gupy and sword tails), small tetras, sterbai corydoras, 1 pleco, 1 blue gourami, many shrimps, 1 mystery snail and some undesired common snails >:-/
Java fern, Java moss, Anubias barteri var. nana, Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae, Cryptocoryne wendtii brown, Hygrophia difformis, Aponogeton madagascariensis.
Tank Size:
65 gallons
The more you learn, the happier your fish will be.
About Yourself:
I am now 38-year old and since I was a 10-year old boy, I am an aquarist.