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This picture looks better than 87.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.15
This picture has been rated : 100 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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Rhode Island
United States
I have male and female blue rams, long fin golden barbs, neon tetras, red fin tetras, small freckled catfish, 3 pond snails, and my wife has 2 gold fish "Lusy and Ethal". I also have all live plants, 6 Bamboo, 2 Anubis, 2 Bronze Wendtii, 1 Amazon Sword, Moss ball, Java moss,purple crinkle, Dwarf hair grass, Baby tears,Water Lettuce, JUMBO Blue Shell Water Hyacinth, Dwarf onion, and lots more. I have 2 T12 fixtrues w/ 4X40w plant-gro bulbs in a Custom hood. For filters i have a 10g sump filter W/ Co2 infused in a Rio 2100 pump, and a marineland 400 with bio-wheels. once every week i do a water change only(no gravel cleaning) and add liquid fertalizer for the plants. 1" gravel, 2" substrate, 2" gravel.
Google search any questions you may have for the type of fish or plants you may want to collect. This will give you an idea of what kind of work and money you will be putting into your aquarium.
Fish Kept:
male and female blue rams, 5 long fin golden barbs, 10 neon tetras, 5 red fin tetras, small freckled catfish, 3 pond snails, and my wife has 2 gold fish.
2 Anubis, 2 Red Wendtii, 1 Amazon Sword,1 Dwarf Onion, 6 Bamboo, Dwarf hairgrass, Babytears, Moss ball, Java Moss, Water Lettuce, JUMBO Blue Shell Water Hyacinth, Purple Crincle, Rotala Magenta, Anacharis, and 3 banana plants. I add about 4 plants per week.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
newly wed, hard worker, first time home owner.