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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
This turned out to be an amazing house featured tank. The tank is roughly 100 gallons with a custom foam/cement 3D back ground. All equipment is hidden behind but complete accessable. the tank lighting is supplied but a 36"T5 marine along with 2 coral life fluroecsents. the fitler is a cascade 1200 canister with a cheap in tank fitler hidden is the back corner for a back up plus extra fitlering.The tank has a large varity of african cichlids producing great color swimming through the 3D rock formations. a few live plants where also used to add the more natural look plus i find it helps with maintaining water quality.
Take your time setting up a new aquarium as it will pay off in the end!
Fish Kept:
African cichlids*
Live bamboo and fake
Tank Size:
100 gallons