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United States
2' x 15" x 13" 20 gallon tank.
Potting soil on bottom, followed by flourite, construction gravel (obviously intensely cleaned), some larger river rocks, three pieces of driftwood and a rear-mounted piece of treated maple.
Im running this with a Hydor Theo 100W heater, A Tetra Whisper 20i with bio-bag system (i use marineland diamond blend activated carbon). I also run a Tetra Whisper 20 airpump with a bubble curtain.
My experience with planted tanks is the following:
- Take your time with the layout (i.e.which plants to use, and which lighting, hardness, fish will be compatible)
- Be patient!
- Do your research. There's more to aquarium keeping than throwing a bunch of cool looking fish in a tank.
- A healthy looking aquarium will be much more rewarding
Fish Kept:
Currently there are Two glo-fish style neon fish, three emperor tetras, two penguin tetras, two black medium sized angelfish, two rainbow tetras, a black molly, three algae-eating shrimp and a dwarf frog.
I have three amazon swords and a brand new offset; about five scarlet temple plants, four red ludwigia, three corkscrew vallisneria, two mondo grass plants, some dwarf grass and a bit of java moss.
Tank Size:
20 gallons