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This picture looks better than 18.36% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.82
This picture has been rated : 119 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
New Zealand
Aqua one 620 - 620W x 390D x 520H mm
Standard lighting and filtration as comes new.
Patience is worthwhile.
Fish Kept:
Platties, Guppies, a Kribensis pair, a Breeding Bristlenose Pair, 6 Neon Tetras
A range - all plants are real though, although were not named when I brought them, and some are out of our stream.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
Good things take time
About Yourself:
I am still a Student, but I was given a 10 gallon tank for Christmas when I was about 8, I have since enjoyed keeping fish. About 6 months ago I brought the bigger 90 litre tank.