Photo #2 - All Natural Sunlight Regulated By Blinds & No...

Submitted By: Edward on
Photo Caption: all natural sunlight regulated by blinds & no filtration (regulated by water changes, snails & live plants); 400 watt heater; (2) flexible bubble wands with tubing & air pump (provides water agitation and current); Carib Sea Flora Max with First Layer Pure Laterite for plant side; deep river pebble gravel...wood/pebbles, stone, (live) plants plus natural sunlight creates the perfect ecosystem
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - no filtration; no chemicals added; no overhead lighting (only natural sunlight); one 400 watt Theo heater and 2 bubble flexible wands powered by one air pump...over 45 fish; over 25 snails; live anubias plants; malaysian wood; river rock; white sand with river pebble - crystal clear all natural ecosystem
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - all natural sunlight regulated by blinds & no filtration (regulated by water changes, snails & live plants); 400 watt heater; (2) flexible bubble wands with tubing & air pump (provides water agitation and current); Carib Sea Flora Max with First Layer Pure Laterite for plant side; deep river pebble gravel...wood/pebbles, stone, (live) plants plus natural sunlight creates the perfect ecosystem

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Ranked #2657 out of 2706 planted tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 1.81% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 2.66
This picture has been rated : 175 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.64

More Info

State: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Description: no fluorescent lighting: all natural sunlight regulated by venetian blinds & no filtration (regulated by water changes, snails & live plants);400 watt heater; (2) flexible bubble wands with tubing & air pump (provides water agitation and current); Carib Sea Flora Max with First Layer Pure Laterite for plant side; CaribSea Aquarium Moonlight white Sand (in right corner); deep river pebble gravel...wood/pebbles, stone, (live) plants plus natural sunlight creates the perfect ecosystem
Advice: Since 2002, I always wanted to keep a freshwater aquarium. Over the years, I read much material (especially Peter Hiscock) on the subject, finally, on May 6, 2008 - after collecting all the freshwater equipment set up - I purchased 2 zebra danios, two days later, 8 zebra danios. After 2 weeks, the aquarium was cycled. My best advice for new hobbyists is read read read. Decide if you want a freshwater or saltwater aquarium. I have a friend who bought a saltwater set up a few years back as her house warminig present. She bought over $1000.00 worth of beautiful fish and one electric eel for $200.00. After she set up her tank, she went to bed. The next morning, she woke up to find that all her beautiful fish were gone...the eel had a late night snack. This is the perfect example as to the reason a new fishkeeper must read.research. Do not get into this hobby at a whim, it is a lifelong responsible experience of pure delight. You'll be thankful in the end and I am sure the fish will be too if you take this hobby seriously and plan ahead.
Fish Kept: Opaline Gouramis, Cherry Barbs, Black Kuhli Loaches, Dwarf Chain Loaches, Redtail Shark, Trumpet Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Olive Nerite Snails
Corals/Plants: anubias barteri round leaf (1), anubias coffeefolia (1), anubias hastifolia (attached to driftwood) (1), anubias nana (attached to driftwood) (1), anubias nana (in gravel), java fern (attached to driftwood) (1); controlled cladophora algae growing naturally (only natural sunlight & water produced this algae); assorted river rock & pebbles
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: whatever works best works
About Yourself: Over the years, I always stopped to watch fish in pet shop aquariums. I bought mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, chamleons, hermits, sea horses, red ear turtles, parakeets...but never a fish. In 2002, I received a fish catalog from Dr Fosters & Smith. I browsed through it. Started thinking, wow, there is so much to taking care of fish. I began to make lists of what I would need to be successful at this hobby. The list longer and longer over the years. And I realized there is a lot to fishkeeping than most would think. So I put it off. Then only a couple months or so ago, I thought, let me try my hand at it. I set the tank up (cost me about $1000.00), I bought some plants, then I purchased 2 zebra danios from Petsmart. I placed the two little guys in the tank. And I absolutely fell in love with the hobby. Two days later, I purchased 8 zebra danios and spent over $100.00 for water test kits. I read more I tested more, and now I have a very nice aquarium with fish and plants which are thriving. I work in the hospitality business as a bellman. This is a wonderful well laid web site. I look forward to reading more of its articles. This is the first fish hobbyist "club" I joined, and I look forward to the many years ahead.


If people would read ur discription they would relize this is worth way more than a 4.00. I gave you a 10. fish avatar


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