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This picture looks better than 44.35% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.14
This picture has been rated : 43 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
Several nano aquariums, all under 20g. Someday i'll graduate to a big tank, till then I enjoy the challenge of the nanos. UPDATE UPDATE! Trying to decide on 90g or 125g. Definitely predrilled. I want two closed loops, one to a refugium and the other to a sump. Figuring it all out now. Comments/suggestions appreciated.
as usual, patience. I read something funny somewhere. "Think before credit card." Water change, water change, water change!!!
Fish Kept:
clowns, blennies, bass, gobies (although some are very susceptible to disease), small wrasse
mushrooms!!! definitely my favorite, the colors can be truly amazing. Ricordea also, such color. Let me say though, the invertebrates are where its at! Ive got the hottest sea cucumber!
I dont have one.
About Yourself:
me? Im part human, part animal. Definitely belong under the sea. Some days I also take care of sick people.