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This picture looks better than 51.56% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.97
This picture has been rated : 103 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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New York
United States
2 tanks: 5 gallon beta tank & 20 gallon freshwater tank. Beta tank is acrylic 16x8x10, colormax mini compact fluorescent light 10w from coralife, tetra filter PF 10, heater/thermometer. 20 gal tall is 24x13x17 glass from Aqueon kit. Natural dim light. thermometer separate from heater. sometimes run air stone.
Don't start very small, at least 10 gal, and know the nitrogen cycle. Research, research, research before you bring the fishies home.
Fish Kept:
Red eyed balloon tetras, a beta, and soon an angel fish.
plastic plants in the 20 gallon and silk plants for the 5 gallon beta tank.
Tank Size:
25 gallons
in the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few
About Yourself:
I had my first tank (10 gal) when I was a teenager until it sprung a leak. Returned to the hobby recently and have had to relearn everything but my fish are happier for it. Presently I am a caregiver also of my little fish.