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This picture looks better than 12.96% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.01
This picture has been rated : 137 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
United States
Dimensions: 20" x 10" x 12"
I use a Whisper 10 Power Filter, two 25 Watt Incandescent bulbs, and a 50 watt heater.
Read up on fish as much as you can before you buy them. This is a very rewarding hobby but it can have an unhappy ending for the fish that you use for trial and error.
Fish Kept:
2 Female Bettas, 1 Tetra, 2 Ghost Shrimp, 1 Lace Cat, 1 Hatchet, and 1 Gold Algae Eater
2 Live Plants, 1 Fake.
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
I love keeping fish, the best hobby I have ever had. I have had my 10 gallon tank since I was just a child, so for about 10 years now. Since it's been so long I recently decided to upgrade to a 37 Gallon tank, but I am building the stand myself so it won't be up and running for a while.
I am attending college right now and I am majoring in the field of broadcasting.