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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.63
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
48"x13"x18" 55 gallon.Odyssea 48" 216 watt T5,1 12,000k,3 actinic,8 led lunar lights ran on timers.Eshopps RS75 reef sump.1200 gph Eshopps Overflow box.Corallife SuperSkimmer 65.Marineland 200 watt Heater.1000 gph Oydssea Return pump.2 Koralia 2's.95 lbs Figi Liverock, 60 lbs Live sand.Custom Canopy, and Stand.
Routine water changes, Watch all ur levels,Calcium and dkh 450 and 7-12.Nitrates 0 ppm nitrite 0 ppm.
Fish Kept:
Fish:Coral Beauty Dwarf Angelfish,Mated pair of Ocellaris Clownfish(tank raised)Blue Hippo Tang,6 Line Wrasse,Dominio Damsel.Inverts:65 Blue legged Hermit carbs,40 Turbo snails,2 Emerald green hairylegged crabs,Serpent Starfish,Cleaner Shrimp,Spiny Sea Cucumber,2 Electric Flame Scallops.
Frogspawn, Hammer coral,Blue Mushroom colony,Tri-color Ricordea Mushroom,Toadstool Leather Soft Coral,Devils Hand Leather Coral,Encrusting Gorgonian,Christmas Tree Coral,Red Montipora,Lime green Montipora,Candy Cane Coral,Green Zoanthus colony,and Orange Spot Zoanthus Colony,Candy apple Zoanthus ,whammin watermelon Zoanthus,Blueberry Zoanthus,Fire and ice Zoanthus,Orange Passion Zoanthus,Acan,Green Star Polyps,Tri color Lobo,Greenbay packer zoanthus.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
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About Yourself:
In the hobby for 2 years.