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This picture looks better than 10.39% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.92
This picture has been rated : 116 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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South Carolina
United States
2 Gallon Bowl with small bio-filtration system and a small 25 watt heater set to 80 degrees. Lighing is a simple desk lamp with dimmers on a 3 stage timer to simulate dusk/dawn and daylight. Small blue LED also set up on a timer to simulate moonlight during the night. Dexter loves his home and is very happy to be in this space. Next addition is some live plants (Java Fern and Java Moss).
Lots of fun and an easy set-up. It requires very little maintenance. Water change is done every week, only changing about 15% of the water each time. I also use aquarium salt, PH tests (i keep it at 7.5), and vitamin. I feed Dexter 3 different types of food.
Fish Kept:
Betta Splenden - Name: Dexter
Fake "Silk" ornament.
Tank Size:
2 gallons