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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
75 gal Fresh water w/ Fluval 405 and Aqua Clear 110 filters. Gravel is 25% calcium carbonate. All of the fish are 5 - 7 yrs old. The background is L 48" x W 7" x H 18" one piece with filtration behind it. 6" airstone in the middle. The Aqua clear is hooked up to a UPS in case of power loss.
The proper filtration is important use twice as much as recommended.
It is way to easy to overfeed.
Vacum gravel at least once a month. It will count as your 20% water change.
Don't overstock or buy fish that will get too big for your aquarium.
Fish Kept:
2-Silver dollars, 1-Cory cat, 1-Redhook silver dollar, 1- Red Tail Tin Foil Barb, 1- Pleco, 1 - unknown.
No Live Plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons