Photo #1 - This Pic Was Taken When I First Set The Tank Up O...

Submitted By: Michael on
Photo Caption: This pic was taken when I first set the tank up over a month ago and I don't have any recent pics of the whole tank with the fish in it. This is my first live plant tank. It's a long 20g with 3 tiger barbs (used to be 5 but two died, going to get more), 6 albino cory's, and 1 false julli cory (going to get more) I have a whisper 40 filter and 100 watt heater and a 20 watt flora glo light strip. For plants I have amazon swords, anarchris (bad spelling), and vallernias (bad spelling) but the vallernias aren't surviving to well.
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - This pic was taken when I first set the tank up over a month ago and I don't have any recent pics of the whole tank with the fish in it. This is my first live plant tank. It's a long 20g with 3 tiger barbs (used to be 5 but two died, going to get more), 6 albino cory's, and 1 false julli cory (going to get more) I have a whisper 40 filter and 100 watt heater and a 20 watt flora glo light strip. For plants I have amazon swords, anarchris (bad spelling), and vallernias (bad spelling) but the vallernias aren't surviving to well.
freshwater fish - hypostomus plecostomus - common pleco stocking in 55 gallons tank - Here is my common pleco in my 55g
freshwater fish - pterophyllum sp. - white blushing angel stocking in 55 gallons tank - My biggest Angelfish in my 55 gallon tank
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Here is my 55 gallon tank, it has 10 black widow tetras. 4 angelfish, and 1 common pleco. I have a Penquin Bio-wheel 350 filter and 200 watt marineland heater.

Rank Info

Ranked #2655 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.99

More Info

State: Kentucky
Country: United States
Description: This is my 55g fish tank, its 4'x13"x1' 9" and has 3 inches of natural colored gravel in it with several artifical plants in it. The filter I use is a Marineland Penquin bio-wheel 350 power filter and I use a 200 watt marineland heater.
Advice: Don't believe what pet stores tell you and always ask on a fish forum on about how to set up your first tank and don't over stock or put incompatible fish together in the same tank.
Fish Kept: 55g- 6 long finned black widow tetras, 4 regular finned black widow tetras, 4 angelfish, 1 common pleco 10g-3 red eyed tetras, 3 x-ray tetas, 1 false julli cory, 2 otto's 2.5g divided- 1 male betta on each side 2.5g divided- 1 male betta on each side
Corals/Plants: none, all are artifiical
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: "Fish are friends, not food" from finding nemo
About Yourself: I'm 15 years old and this all started as a science project in the 7th grade (2 to 3 years ago) with a 10g and 4 black widow tetras to observe how many times they open and close their mouth in a minute but after the project was over I was hooked on fish, then a few months later I got a long 20g tank then a 55g tank


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