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This picture looks better than 48.02% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.88
This picture has been rated : 93 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Tank: Glass 24 X 18 X 12
Filter: Marineland Biowheel 150
Heater: Jager 100W
Light: GLO T5 HO (Overkill for fish only, but had the light from my last planted setup)
Substrate: Crushed quartz
Don't buy everything in the pet store (that the pet store tells you to buy). REsearch what you need, then shop around. This tank cost me $100CAD, (already had the light) including decorations, fish, etc
Fish Kept:
(4) Red Variegated Swordtails
(3) Fancy Guppies
Plastic Plants
Tank Size:
25 gallons
About Yourself:
I have been in the hobby 10 years, but only recently setup a tank after 2 years off. My goal is to breed show guppies and other livebearers eventually. If anyone out there has any goo reference material on this topic, please send.