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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
40 gallon sea Clear tank. Triple Tube Fluorescent Light Strips for lighting. Top fin Filtration. I buy most of my self at Pets Smart, I also Just set up a 10 Gallon Gold Fish Tank For my Soon to be Wife.
Buy a Kit and get the lights filter and heater all together. If not go to a shop and let some one help you. When you decorate your tank do it the way you want dont let a book tell you what to do....by the way buy a little book about keeping your tank up.
Fish Kept:
Cat Fish.
Fake plants
Tank Size:
40 gallons
About Yourself:
I am 21 i live on my own and find fish to be very calming. I have had fish all my life but not a tank like i do know. Some day when i buy a house my basement is going to have HUGE fish tanks. I want to get in to salt water some day.