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The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
More Info
United States
75 gallon
Flourescent lighting
Empereor 400 filter
300 watt heater
Be prepared to spend money...a lot of money. The cheapest is not always the best. But 10 mins of watching your fish tank is worth every penny.
I look at a fish tank as playing god in a sense, you're creating and maintaining an entire closed loop eco-system. Seeing your fish happy is an indicator of your skill and passion for fishkeeping.
Oh and never buy rocks, that's just crazy.
Fish Kept:
So far-
9 rummy nose tetras,
5 corys,
3 glass catfish,
2 golden gouramis (male and female),
2 kribensis cichlids (male and female),
1 albino pleco,
So far everyone is getting along!
I honestly don't know what plants I ended up picking up but I've got about 8 or so young plants that will hopefully grow bigger soon.
I've got a small piece of driftwood with a plant growing out of it. I plan on getting a couple more larger pieces of driftwood.
I've got two rock caves built with other river rocks scattered around. Nice natural gravel lining the bottom.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm a 22 year old undergrad senior at the University of Minnesota, majoring in Psychology.
My parents always kept fish so they were just always around and I took them for granted. One day last year I decided to get a betta and well things just took off from there. Now I've got a 75 gallon.