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This picture looks better than 57.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.11
This picture has been rated : 137 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United Kingdom
5 half foot tall 36 gallon full circular acrylic tower.
JP-025 power head 1600 L/H with a hood filter system. Eco day bulb and energy save bulbs
water is the sacred god in the world of the gilled ones!
excellent filtration, water quality, plenty of air, makes for happy
Fish Kept:
today the 29th june 2010 i have put my comets and shabumpkin in the pond. its been a hot day and and to be fair they were getting way to big! i have 2 large fancy gold fish and a shoal of 15 mixed minnows now..
all plants are silk or plastic due to the fact that its just way too far down to mess about too much planting, the power head is so powerful the bottom of the tank never needs attention so im lucky! other than that if i do need to get down there i have a handy grabber i took of my gran!
Tank Size:
36 gallons
ill ride the wave where ever it takes me
About Yourself:
just your average mad moo! ever since i can remember we have always kept a fish tank, my favorite dudes have to be the goldies, such characters i love them all! i even have a sleeve of fish tattoos down one arm! crazy about fish,im slowly turning in to a living skin sea life centre! lol
my interests are motorbikes and metal music, oh and fish!