Rank Info
This picture looks better than 31.16% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.64
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
United States
all glass aquarium 75 gallon mixed reef, 29 gallon custom glass sump/refugium, two 18 watt 10,000 k daylight power compacts(refugium light), G1x protien skimmer, mag 7 return pump, 2 hamilton tech 150 watt metal hailides 14000k
its a adiction once you start you cant quit!!!!!!
Fish Kept:
13 green chromis, 6 firefish, pair true percula clowns, 2 regal yellow tail blue tangs, powder blue tang, sailfin tang, copper banded butterfly, red coris wrasse, fox face
lots of LPS, zoos, button polyps, candy corals, brain corals, leather corals, montipora, 4 crocea clams, 1 giant clam (t.squamosa), pink pagoda cup coral. 2 coco worms, rose anemone, long tenticle anemone, sps green slimer acro, sps blue tip millepora
Tank Size:
95 gallons