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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I have a 10 gallon fish tank with 6 beautiful gold fish, 3 plastic plants, and bright pink and purple pebbles. I plan on adding more to my aquarium really soon.
Ask the expert not the newbie.
Fish Kept:
6 Carassius Auratus
3 plastic plants
Tank Size:
10 gallons
About Yourself:
I got my fish 3 years ago. At the time I was new to fish and was told that i could have as many fish as i wanted as long as the aquarium was kept clean and had lots of open space for air. Later on I found out from a more experience aquarist that 11 fish was way too many for a 1 gallon fish tank. So I upgraded to a 10 gallon tank with lots of moving space for my fish. I now have 6 gold fish in my tank.