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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
The fish tank is an older 55 gallon tank on a cast iron stand. With the stand the tank is about 4' 5" tall; the fish tank itself is 24 inches tall, 30 inches wide, and 12 inches deep. The tank has an AquaClear 70 gallon filter, one ceramic tube, and one bubble man.
Make sure you keep the water as clean as possible to ensure quality life for the fish.
Fish Kept:
One albino rainbow shark, One iridescent shark, One striped raphael, One african butterfly fish, One pineapple swordtail, One strawberry tetra, One rasbora, One dwarf blue flame gourami, One red zebra danio, One chinese alge eater, One cory cat; Two angel fish, Two long-finned zerbra danios, Two powder blue gouramis, Two balloon mollies, Three jelly bean parrots, Three Bolvarian rams, and Four tiger barbs
One green and whit acorous, One nomaphila strictra, Two red luwigias, Two jungle vallisneria, Three bacopa amplecicaulus, and Three banna plants- others unknown, but ALL ARE REAL!-
Tank Size:
55 gallons