Photo #1 - 110 Gallon Fresh Water With A Wide Variety Of Fis...

Submitted By: Patrice on
Photo Caption: 110 gallon fresh water with a wide variety of fish ( kribensous, blue ram,gold ram, neons, koi angels, red tail shark, kooli loach clown loach ,gold plecotomous,, elephant nose,black mollies,gold gouramis,variety of danios....ect..... right hand side established plants and newly planted plants on left side
110 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 110 gallon fresh water with a wide variety of fish ( kribensous, blue ram,gold ram, neons, koi angels, red tail shark, kooli loach clown loach ,gold plecotomous,, elephant nose,black mollies,gold gouramis,variety of danios....ect..... right hand side established plants and newly planted plants on left side
freshwater fish - epalzeorhynchos bicolor - redtail shark stocking in 110 gallons tank - Red Tail Shark , Black marble Angel
freshwater fish - pelvicachromis pulcher - kribensis cichlid stocking in 110 gallons tank - Kribensis and Gold Plecostomous
110 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Tank with new lighting GLO double light high output Linear florecent lighting system

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Ranked #2332 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76

More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: 110 gallon Fresh water tank with a fluval 405 filter system,live plants .one air stone blackrocks,.tank has been up since dec 07 many fish from original 35 hex that are over 4 years old.
Advice: Take all that you hear and use your best judgement, I have learned many things by trial and error, most of all enjoy !!!sometimes its not your fault when a fish croaks its just the nature of the beast.
Fish Kept: Koi angels,, red tail shark , ,lemon tetra ,buenous teri tetra,kribensous ciclid, blue ram, gold ram, zebra danios, bleeding hearts, gold placastomous, neons, blue danios,black mollies, elephant nose,gold gouramis,neons,clown loach , kuhli loach
Corals/Plants: Tank with new lighting GLO double light high output Linear florecent lighting system. blue light also for night time. live plants doing much better.
Tank Size: 110 gallons
Quote: enjoy the small things in life,take time to smell the roses.look at life through the eye of a child.
About Yourself: I have always loved aqauariums I had a 35 hex I borrowed from a friend and then after a few years i wanted to get a lorger tank. Not expecting to get so large we figured why gradully go bigger so we went to the 110 gallon.its better than watching tv


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