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Ranked #1865 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide
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State: Washington
Country: United States
Description: 90g - 48"x18"x24", 2 - 24" All-Glass hoods w/ All-Glass T8 15w 8000K fluorescent bulbs, Marinelineland 350 canister with Black Diamond carbon and dual biofilter, Rena 300w SmartHeater, Aquatic Gardens 7500 dual output air pump w/ 2 18" air stones, blue/aqua/black aquarium rock substrate w/ scattered black river rock and gemstones, red lava rocks, artificial driftwood, plastic Anachris, complementary background affixed w/ Sea Clear. 88g custom elongated hex, 100w Zoo Med incandescent basking lamp, Fluval 4 Plus filter, scattered earth tone river rock, large Zoo Med turtle dock, Tetratec dw18 air pump w/ 4" air stone disk, occasional water hyacinth or water lettuce. 46g bow, 36" All-Glass hood w/ All-Glass T8 20w 8000K fluorescent bulb, Marineland Penguin Biowheel 200 filter, Rena 150w SmartHeater Tetra Deep Water ATS26075 air pump w/ 18" air stone, aquarium rock substrate, artificial rock formations and cave ornaments, Amazon Swords, Brazilian Swords, Giant Bacopas, Water Primrose. 37g show, Marineland integrated filtration hood w/ dual All-Glass T8 20w 8000K fluorescent bulbs, Tetra Whisper 40 air pump w/ 6" air stone, aquarium rock substrate, real and artificial driftwood, artificial rock formation, Amazon Swords, Brazilian Swords, Red Ludwigia. 20g show, Marineland integrated filtration hood w/ All-Glass T8 15w 8000K fluorescent bulb, Profile 1000 air pump w/ aeration ornament, aquarium rock substrate, Amazon Swords, Brazilian Swords, Giant Bacopas, Green Ludwigia.
Advice: REGULAR WATER CHANGES AND TESTING!!! Vacuum your substrate and change your filters regularly. Ensure proper oxygenation. Research research research before you buy, then research once more and take notes. Buy quality equipment and maintain it properly. Expensive does NOT equal quality, more research! Make sure you can afford to care for your fish properly before you commit. Did I mention clean water?
Fish Kept: 90g - 2 koi, 5 goldfish, 5 weather loaches, 1 common pleco 88g - 1 red-eared slider (f), feeder fish 46g - asst'd platies, 7 Australian rainbow fish (2m, 5f), 5 emerald green corys (2m, 1f), 5 kuhli loaches, 1 chocolate albino pleco, 3 ivory mystery snails 37g - 7 angel fish, 5 upside-down catfish, 5 golden dojos, 1 bristle nose pleco, 2 black mystery snails 20g - 5 African dwarf frogs, 5 albino corys, 1 rubber lipped pleco, 2 black mystery snails
Corals/Plants: Amazon Swords, Brazilian Swords, Giant Bacopas, Water Primrose, Green Ludwigia, Red Ludwigia, Java Fern
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: "You know they'll find the poison when they do the autopsy on the body!" - Dora Lee Rhodes


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