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This picture looks better than 68.42% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.93
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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New York
United States
90 gallon tank, mostly LPS, with a DSB, heavy feeding, Kessil a360w +T5 ati. And sump with octopus 150 skimmer, aquamaxx sulfur reactor, gyre 250 pump. No refugium.
Good idea to try every kind of coral at the beginning, to choose which is your favorite kind. I started loving LPS and now I'm moving to SPS.
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang, Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Wrasse, Yellow Watchman Goby, Leopard Wrasse
Euphillias, acros
Tank Size:
90 gallons