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This picture looks better than 20.97% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.25
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
Oceanic bowfront glass aquarium. All-glass standard 36" fluorescent w. (3) CurrentUSA blue lunar lights - on day/night timer. (1) Marineland Magnum 350 canister filter.
(1) Marineland Penguin Bio-wheel 350 filter. (1) 150 watt heater. CurrentUSA Aqua-Chef automatic feeder. (2) large driftwood sculptures. Walnut brown substrate.
My next move will be to improve my lighting (i.e. twin fluorescents with an actinic bulb)
Research...research...research. When it comes to fish compatibility...experiment a little! (just make sure they're fast enough to get out of the way!)
Fish Kept:
(12) Tiger Barbs
(5) Red Eye Tetras
(2) Neon Rosy Barbs
(2) Bala Sharks
(3) Silver Dollars
(3) Bumble Bee Catfish
(4) Pineapple Swords
(1) Malayan Angel {Mono}
(1) Electric Yellow Cichlid
(2) Demasoni Cichlids
(2) Auratus Cichlids
(1) Red Parrot Cichlid
Silk plants
Tank Size:
46 gallons
"As a rule, man is a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. When it's cool, he wants it hot - always wanting what is NOT...never wanting what he's GOT."
About Yourself:
I work for the Utah State Office of Tourism...come see us soon!
I was always fascinated by aquariums since I was a little kid. (something about maintaining an entire ecosystem in an iddy bitty space!) I finally broke down and spent (around $1,500) on a cool setup...but now I want it to be bigger!