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United States
this is a hand me down from a guy who kept snakes in it. It was too big for his second story apartent so I inherited it. It is 150 gallon, 18 in. deep by 29 in. tall, by 72 in. wide. it started off as salt water but I didn't have the time to keep the chemistry up so I converted to fresh water. My lighting is two double filiment 36 in. flouerecent with dayglow tubes. . The air pump is a Tetra whisper 100 with two tubes to 14 in. spounge tube bubblers. It is filtered with a Rena Filstar xp3 mechanical and biological system which has proven it's self well worth the price.
never lose faith, there are no problems you will encounter that your local pet shop people can't help you with.
Fish Kept:
albino oscar, red oscar, jack dempseys, jellybean parrot. and placos
I haven't started a co2 system as yet so the plants are artificial.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
I don't really have one that can be put on the internet.
About Yourself:
I retired from the navy in 1997, thus the love for the water. I started the tank to keep me busy in my off time but now I can't imagine my home without an aquarium in it.