Photo #3 - Bicolor Blenny (lenny) He Likes To Hide In This M...

corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - purple mushrooms stocking in 60 gallons tank - BiColor Blenny (Lenny) He likes to hide in this mushroom coral
Submitted By: TheRealDeal on
Photo Caption: BiColor Blenny (Lenny) He likes to hide in this mushroom coral
saltwater fish - zebrasoma xanthurum - purple tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Scolenia is taking over the tank after a few weeks
corals inverts - duncanopsammia axifuga - giant green polyp duncan stocking in 60 gallons tank - Duncan Heads really growing
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - purple mushrooms stocking in 60 gallons tank - BiColor Blenny (Lenny) He likes to hide in this mushroom coral
saltwater fish - gobiodon okinawae - clown goby, yellow stocking in 60 gallons tank - Gumdrop goby
saltwater fish - synchiropus picturatus - spotted mandarin stocking in 60 gallons tank - Goby (Mr Rogers)
saltwater fish - halichoeres chloropterus - green wrasse stocking in 60 gallons tank - Green wrasse (Money)
corals inverts - favites sp. - super green favia brain stocking in 60 gallons tank - Panther grouper (Dottie)
saltwater fish - centropyge flavissima - lemonpeel angelfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - Lemon Peel (Mercedes)
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 12/08 (Updated tank) 31 different fish - We have added even more fish to our tank - We break all the rules and yet they still live
corals inverts - acalycigorgia sp. - blue sea fan stocking in 60 gallons tank - Everyone swimming around like rush hour traffic on the 57 freeway
corals inverts - ricordea yuma - ricordea mushroom stocking in 60 gallons tank - Mandarin hanging out
saltwater fish - zebrasoma xanthurum - purple tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Purple tang (We call Prince), and mini box fish (We call Square pants)
saltwater fish - acanthurus leucosternon - powder blue tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Powder Blue Tang (We call Carmen)
saltwater fish - oxycirrhites typus - longnose hawkfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - Long nose hawkfish (We call Marlin)
saltwater fish - centropyge flavissima - lemonpeel angelfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - Lemon Peel (We call Mercedes)
saltwater fish - synchiropus splendidus - green mandarin stocking in 60 gallons tank - Mandarin goby
saltwater fish - acanthurus lineatus - clown tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Clown tang (We call Buddy)
saltwater fish - canthigaster valentini - saddle valentini puffer stocking in 60 gallons tank - Valentinni's sharpnose puffer
saltwater fish - amphiprion percula - true percula clownfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - 2 percula clowns swimming side by side
saltwater fish - centropyge bispinosa - coral beauty angelfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - Coral Beauty
saltwater fish - halichoeres chrysus - yellow wrasse stocking in 60 gallons tank - Corise yellow wrasse
saltwater fish - pseudocheilinus hexataenia - six line wrasse stocking in 60 gallons tank - Six line wrasse
saltwater fish - amblygobius hectori - hector's goby stocking in 60 gallons tank - Hectors goby
saltwater fish - zebrasoma flavescens - yellow tang - hawaii stocking in 60 gallons tank - Yellow tang
saltwater fish - lactoria cornuta - cowfish longhorn stocking in 60 gallons tank - Long horn Cowfish (We call Sponge Bob)
saltwater fish - ptereleotris evides - scissortail dartfish stocking in 60 gallons tank - Scissortail goby
saltwater fish - nemateleotris decora - firefish, purple stocking in 60 gallons tank - Purple fire fish
saltwater fish - opistognathus rosenblatti - jawfish, blue dot stocking in 60 gallons tank - Big mouth spotted jawfish (We call Blue)
saltwater fish - plectorhinchus chaetodonoides - spotted sweetlips stocking in 60 gallons tank - Harlequin sweet lips
saltwater fish - naso lituratus - naso tang stocking in 60 gallons tank - Naso Tang
60 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 12/08 - Updated tank picture - with 31 different fish!!! We have added even more fish to our tank - We break all the rules and yet they still live

Rank Info

Ranked #424 out of 2372 corals & inverts pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 82.12% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.45
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: (THE KEY TO HAVING AS MANY FISH AS WE DO IS TO GET THE XTRA LARGE PROTEIN SKIMMMER) 60 gallon reef / fish saltwater tank, 2 Aqua jets powerheads with 110 Aqua pro chiller, 4 1/2 watts per gallon of compact fluorescent lighting, UV sterilizer light, 300 gallon capacity protein skimmer
Advice: Keep up on your water changes. Check the temp and salinity, and FLOW! FLOW! FLOW! What works for one person may not always wok for the next.
Fish Kept: Scissortail Goby, panther grouper, hectors gobby, 2 mandarin goby, cowfish, box fish, coral beauty, clown tang, powder blue tang, naso tang, purple tang, yellow tang, blue tang, flame angel, yellow angel, purple firefish, six line wrasse, corise yellow wrasse, 2 green wrasses, puffer, pink skunk clown, 3 percula clowns, harlequin sweet lips, bigmouth spotted jawfish, long nose hawkfish, lemon peel, lawnmower blenny, bicolor blenny, 2 stripped cleaner shrimp, royal gama, anemone crab, sand sifter goby, emerald crabs, dozen or more starfish (I love color)!!!!
Corals/Plants: Purple fan coral, toadstool leather coral green plate tentacle coral, bubble coral ultra green, frogspawn fluorescent green coral, brain coral, variety of mushrooms, gorgonian, dendrophelia coral, various pulsing xenia, 2 short orange plate coral, lots of open brain candy coral, carnations, candy coral, long green torch coral, acropora, favia, kenya tree green coral, ricordea, ultra blue maxima clams, frags, feather dusters, coco worm, hammer head bubble torch coral, colt coral , green flower pot, duncan heads, assorted zoos, green strar, and some blue sponge, blueberry fan as well
Tank Size: 60 gallons
About Yourself: We love living at on the beach, and we love our tank it's like having a little piece of heaven from the ocean in our living room


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